Friday, December 14, 2007

The Beautiful/Decay Gift Guide

This is genius...a clever video presentation by the B/D folks...possibly inspired by their recent Vis/Ed presentation? Who knows.
Enjoy and Happy Holidays.

Beautiful/Decay Gift Guide

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1 comment:

Stunt said...

I definitely recall a conversation about Manitoba, in 2003, in your Jack Baecker room, next to your inflatable bed. I recall only having positive things to say, though, judging by my penchant for "glass-is-half-empty", colored with my crippling alcoholism, it was probably followed by a caveat about all electronic musicians being closet queers. I blame you for my twenty year old ignorance, because if you led off with something other than FUCKING AUTECHRE, maybe I wouldn't have had to get into it on my own. You, sir, are a poor John the Baptist.