Monday, March 17, 2008


Full disclosure, I stole this from Vice, but its far too cool to not post here...hoping for some coolness by osmosis on this one.

Apparently the opening scene of Jesus Christ Superstar syncs up with the Godflesh track "Anthems"...which means someone got really stoned and tried to see what music lined up with THAT movie. Awesome. I'd love to see the outtakes on that one.

Furthermore, where is Godflesh? Well I know they aren't around anymore, but I know you all have at least one Godflesh album buried somewhere in your collection. Is it good? Who knows, they were hit and miss, but I would take a Godflesh revival over basically any Jesu song right now. Remember when they were in that movie Hideaway with Alicia Silverstone?...that was awesome.

Also, this...

Thanks Drew.

Thats really all I got. I will hopefully be posting an exclusive Q&A with Cool Kids in the next couple weeks or so, provided my editor at metropop says its cool. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to state that the credit for this discovery goes to one T. Marma: Pink Floyd's Momentary Lapse of Reason syncs in a ridiculously wonderful way with Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. Start both at the same time and enjoy the insane, wonderful goodness. Discovered in 1998. Seriously, go and enjoy the Momentary Lapse of Ted.