Monday, September 29, 2008

Name Mikey Acid

It's nice to hear Mikey Skinner's voice again. From his sorta-hooded-out first record, to his story album about growing fame and adventures, and his last album that covered the pitfalls of real fame and rockstar celebrity, it's been great watching him grow up. I suppose he just reflects whats in front of him. Luckily he does it over great beats. And say what you will, in his own english way, he kind of, sort of, redefined "rapping". I'm excited to watch his next step. Check out "Everything Is Borrowed" from the album of the same name.


Stunt said...

This album was a huge disappointment. I even liked the third one, and his Elton John cover. This failed me. Completely and utterly. Thankfully, I still have the Mitchell Brothers album to keep me warm. Streets, it was a fun ride while it lasted. I'll always remember that funny message you left when you signed my yearbook.

Clitoris Rex said...

yeah...i actually liked the last one too. "Pranging Out" was the jam but this one I don't know...I heard another track and read a bunch of reviews and it doesn't sound promising.