Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"fluxin' it up since '82"

So its Ash Wednesday and they are all walking around midtown with those crosses on their foreheads. It bizarre...the really interesting part is that one out of every five crosses was installed upside down. So brutal. I wonder if there are priests... rabbis? (I am spiritually well-rounded obviously) out there who just throw the upside down ones in as a joke..

"Eternal salvation for you, eternal salvation for you, and....BAM! Damnation!! Right there!!! The mark of the beast ladies and gentleman, now don't skip those collection plates, I'll be here all week."

Maybe it means we are entering a time of change. Religion is personal, and I am too lazy to look up "Ash Wednesday" in Wikipedia, so I am going to take these ashy crosses as tiny signposts, each one reading, "flux".

Good. The seasons drag on and people get antsy. Ant is moving out here to sleep on my couch for 3 weeks (and not a day more you freeloading maniac), former magazine employers are ready to jump their respective ships, relationships die, divorces happen, the sky opens up.

Or maybe its just a current fixation. If was fixated on continuity, I would only be interested in that which is consistent. I'm not though, and consistency is nowhere near my radar.

Change is a good one though. Upside down crosses and all, I have ideas. Being remotely untethered, my variety of options is pretty damn wide.

Thats really all. Sorry for the boring post, kids.

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